USTGS holds int’l webinar on Complex Trauma 

The Psychology Cluster and Guidance & Counseling Program of the UST Graduate School conducted a webinar titled, “Complex Trauma and Domains of Impact,” on April 13, 2024. This online event was attended by two hundred participants consisting of graduate students and faculty. The Dean of the UST Graduate School, Prof. Michael Anthony C. Vasco, PhD, graced the event and gave the opening remarks. 

The webinar featured Doreen Hills, the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Healing Trauma and Attachment in Colorado, USA. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has been a mental health provider for over 20 years. The speaker was introduced by the cluster lead of Psychology, Prof. Maria Claudette A. Agnes, PhD. 

Hills began her lecture by providing a definition of complex trauma and its various types. She also discussed the impact of inaccurate mental health diagnosis and stressed on the importance of psychological testing and the inclusion of trauma history intake.  Her talk highlighted the eight domains of complex trauma: affect regulation, behavioral control, physical health (brain and body), cognition (thinking and learning), dissociation, self-concept, attachment (relationship with others), and future orientation. She also focused on how complex trauma impacts the functioning of an individual and impairs relationships with others. Further, she discussed its long-term consequences and expressed the importance of ensuring safety and security in dealing with complex trauma. She closed her lecture with words of Gabor Maté: “Every human has a true authentic self. Trauma is the disconnection from it and healing is a reconnection to it.”

Participants engaged through the open forum where the resource speaker graciously conveyed her insights and experiences. Prof. Lucila O. Bance, Ph.D. delivered the closing remarks where she expressed her gratitude to the speaker for sharing her knowledge and expertise. 

The seminar ended, leaving students and other participants equipped with a deeper insight and understanding on complex trauma, its impact on the person including her environment, and with knowledge on strategies on assessment and intervention.

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