
Scientific Name: Caryota mitis Lour.

Family Name: Arecaceae


The genus name Caryota derives from Greek ‘caryon’, meaning ‘a nut’. The species epithet mitis means ‘unarmed’, referring to the physical presence of an unarmed palm.

Rapid growth is a well-known characteristic of Caryota mitis, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. It can grow to a height of at least 25 feet (7.6 meters) under the right circumstances.

Although it needs a warm, humid environment to flourish, fishtail palms are generally thought to be low-maintenance plants. It can withstand a variety of lighting situations, including full sun and partial shade.

• Pericarp contains stinging crystals (raphides, needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate). The seeds inside the poisonous fruit are edible after cooking.
• Crystalline needles from the juice of the ripe fruit can cause intense itching within seconds.
• Fibrous hairs of the leaf stalk can cause skin irritation.
• Handling of the berries may cause burning and swelling of the lips, buccal cavity and throat. May cause redness and swelling of the eyes and skin irritation. Effects are not long lasting.