
Scientific Name: Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson

Family Name: Annonaceae


Ylang-ylang in Tagalog means “flower of flowers.”

In traditional medicine, this tree is used against fever, blood pressure, malaria, asthma, various skin conditions, conjunctivitis, hypertension, stomach pains, indigestion, colic, and toothache among others.
Flowers, and the essential oil obtained from them, are anti-pruritic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and sedative, relieving tension, lowering blood pressure, and reducing fever.

Flowers yield an essential oil used in perfumes, deodorants, beauty soaps, shampoos, skin and hair lotions, and creams.

Wood is used locally for general construction, turnery, and making canoes, and is also used for making boxes, tea chests and plywood.