GS Law launches digital edition of UST Law Journal Vol. II

The UST Graduate School of Law (GS Law) launched the second volume of the UST Law Journal on December 7, 2024.

According to GS Law Dean Atty. Jacqueline O. Lopez-Kaw, DCL, the journal was the academic unit’s valuable contribution to UST’s research endeavors that continue to bolster its reputation as a renowned university and its place in the standings.

“We believe that through legal research and publication of these works, we contribute to professional growth and the advancement of legal knowledge. It allows legal professionals to delve deeply into specific areas of law and gain specialized knowledge,” Atty. Kaw said.

In 2019, the journal’s first volume was published in print format, but the publication was halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was likewise relaunched this year.

Editor-in-Chief Assoc. Prof. Irene D. Valones, DCL, underscored that the readers will have a plethora of topics ranging from judicial reforms to international perspectives of zeroing in on justice and fairness that aim to enrich our literature.

The contributors to this issue were Justice Ronald B. Moreno, DCL, Dr. Philip L. Fuentes, Judge Jonathan M. Agnes, DCL, John Francis N. Dela Victoria, Atty. Marlo V. Destura, LLM, DCL, and Atty. Marrianne G. Reginaldo, LLM, and Atty. Alden Reuben B. Luna, LLM.

The editorial board is composed of Atty. Kaw (Editorial Adviser), Irene D. Valones, DCL(Editor-in-chief), Gener M. Gito, DCL (Associate Editor), Maria Liza Lopez-Rosario, DCL (Associate Editor), Leidy May G. Alinajes, LPT, MA (Managing Editor), Mari-Len Tuangco (Circulation Manager), and Mar Christian Darren C. Ramos (Website Manager).

The UST Law Journal, the official publication of the UST Graduate School of Law, is a peer-reviewed academic publication that publishes scholarly articles and research works of its students in pursuit of legal scholarship and academic excellence.

The journal was launched in digital format and can be openly viewed here.

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