The UST Finance Team received various awards for being the Champion in the NCR Chapter and 1st runner- up in the National level, such as Best in Capital Markets, and Best in Operational Rish in the 5th National Finance Competition sponsored by JCFAP-Philippines last March 25, 2017 at the Development Bank of the Philippines, Makati City.
The competing team was composed of bona fide senior students from the Financial Management program namely, Venisse Mary M. Lozano, Edgar V. Lay, and Lu Xu. The team competed alongside other universities within the region and across the country.
The three representatives were selected through a qualifying exam, and were trained for the said competition. The team studied and reviewed topics under the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI) curriculum. “It wasn’t an easy task given that we had to balance our daily training along with unending quizzes and academic requirements during the preliminary period.”,according to the team members. Under the guidance of their adviser, Dr. Anthony DC Altarejos, CB, CSS, andassisting coach, Mr. Roland Billy S. Bascon, the team was able to practice and review the concepts under the CISI curriculum. The competition gave way for them to gain new knowledge regarding finance, enhanced their skills, and exhibited the learnings over the past years in the program.