Jenneth G. Capule, head librarian of the Graduate School Section of the UST Miguel de Benavides Library, presented a paper entitledTowards a Geriatric-friendly Library: a Q Methodology, at the 2015 International Conference of Library and Information Science held from August 23-25, 2015 at the International House, Osaka, Japan.
The study aimed at constructing a library program responsive to the distinct and ever-increasing information needs of the overlooked sector in society, the geriatric citizens. Using Q methodology, 15 geriatric Filipino citizens from various educational backgrounds were subjected to ascertain their information needs.
The LIS 2015 is jointly held with “2015 International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Management (IIM 2015), “2015 International Symposium on Marketing and Logistics (ISML 2015)”, “2015 International Congress on Economy, Finance, and Business (ICEFB)” and “2015 International Conference on Big Data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC 2015)”. There were more than 250 submissions of which 170 excellent papers were accepted.