Master of Arts, major in Marketing Communication

Master of Arts, major in Marketing Communication

Program Information

The program has an extension program and offsite offering tie-up with the University of San Carlos – Cebu City, Cebu.


Becoming Part of the Program



We are a Catholic institution of learning dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the theoretical and applied fields through quality graduate education that is comprehensive and responsive to the needs of society.


We are committed to the formation of scholars and high-quality professionals who are ethical, competent, compassionate, and committed to the service of their respective professions, the Church, the nation, and the global community.


We envision a Graduate School that stands for excellence and innovation and that is globally recognized for its distinct degree programs and quality research outputs.

Goals and Objectives

The Graduate School commits itself to develop: 

  1. Competent professionals who, inspired by the ideals of St. Antoninus of Florence, promote excellence in the production, advancement, and transmission of specialized knowledge and skills in the sciences, the arts, and community service; 
  2. Scholarly researchers and creative thinkers who, kindled by St. Thomas Aquinas’s ardour for truth, aspire to become fonts of intellectual creativity and, in their quest for quality research, are proficient and critical in assessing and communicating information in various fields that impact the professions, the Church, the nation, and the global community; 
  3. Professional Christian leaders who, touched by St. Dominic de Guzman’s apostolic fire and warmed by Mary’s motherly care, articulate ethics and truth, high level of moral maturity in resolving issues and promoting social justice and compassion for the poor, and care for the environment; 
  4. Globally engaged citizens who, with ardent advocacy for life, promote a deeper understanding of tolerance and justice as well as linguistic, religious, and cultural diversities as a result of precise evaluation of modern problems and inquiries; 
  5. Committed scholars who, nurtured by the dogmas of Christian faith and values, are dedicated to the pursuit of truth through the promotion of an intellectual culture that values academic rigor and freedom of scientific investigations; and 
  6. Lifelong learners who, empowered by St. Antoninus of Florence’s zeal for learning, are committed to the advancement of a higher culture through a continuous search for intellectual inquiries and new knowledge as well as faithfulness to Catholic intellectual traditions. 
Program Intended Learning Outcomes

After completing the degree program, the student must be able to:

  1. Promote a program of study and a culture of research that integrates marketing and communication concepts drawn from a variety of fields that include marketing, public relations, the creative and production aspects of marketing communication, new media studies and marketing communication research, among others.
  2. Demonstrate ability to conceptualize, strategize and execute marketing communication ideas through creative tools, guided by the principles and applications of critical thinking. 
  3. Exemplify values-driven leadership, ethical conduct and business acumen both in professional practice and in the conduct of marketing communication research.
  4. Display proficiency in delivering marketing communication outputs through the various media platforms. Likewise, demonstrate oral presentations and written skills in disseminating marketing communication research outputs.
  5. Manifest local and global awareness by exploring the uses and applications of the various media convergences in the digital world for both professional practice and graduate research.
  6. Engage in the continuing quest for outstanding marketing communication practice that is matched by excellent research production in the academe in the hope to catch up with the rapid changes in the technological, marketing and communication arenas.

Becoming Part of the Program


Click here for the Admission Policies and Procedures of the Graduate School.


Go to THIS PAGE and look for the “Graduate School” tab for the tuition fees.

Program Curriculum

Pre-Requisite Courses

GS 500 – St. Thomas and Critical Thinking
Principles of and skill on critical thinking according to St. Thomas Aquinas in the areas of mental cognition, simple apprehension, judgment and reasoning and of common fallacies towards the acquisition of the art of argumentation.


GS 501 – Research Methods
General strategies of Research including design, basic statistical techniques, writing, evaluation and ethics. Submission of an approved proposal is required.

Core Courses

Marketing Communication Theory


Marketing Communication Research


Advanced Creative Strategy and Management


Ethics in Marketing Communication

Specialization Courses

Contemporary Marketing Tools
Brand Management
Strategic Thinking
Seminar in New Media


Public Relations
Public Relations Management
Digital PR
Crisis Planning and Management


Content Development for Integrated Marketing Communication 1
Content Development for Integrated Marketing Communication 2
Management Creativity


Multi-Platform Production
Retail Research
Consumer Research

Product Research
Special Topics

Summary of Program Requirements
Degree Requirements
Prerequisite Courses
Core Courses
Specialization Courses
Cognate Courses
Written Comprehensive Exams
      Thesis Writing I
      Thesis Writing II
      Thesis Writing III